Thursday, December 31, 2009

Axolotl Doodle

Clearly inspired by my recent oogling of the Charley Harper book, and because I told Kari to draw one, I whipped up this Axolotl doodle tonight in celebration of getting some work done. It seems like it's been forever since I've drawn something for fun.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to Me, From Me

One morning last week, in a fit of holiday cheer, I ordered myself the latest printing of the unbelievably inexpensive and insane Charley Harper monograph. This is my kind of book. It's massive, over 400 pages thick, and almost every page is just pictures. Big pictures! Big book! I haven't even begun to look through it all, but here are some choice cuts. And if you don't dig it, check your pulse.

My favorite Harper piece, so far. Can't beat a bloody dinosaur fight (Merry Christmas!)

One fer me Aussie mate.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

PokeProgress 1

I'm going to try and post more progress pieces of the Pokemon Kid. Here's a still from one of those pre-battle fast-moving-background-with-character-calling-out-their-Pokemon shots. Can you dig it????